2024 Volume 9 Issue 1
Creative Commons License

Linking Family Supports and Vietnamese Employee Performance: The Mediator Role of Work Engagement

  1. Faculty of Business Administration, Banking Academy of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam.


This research delves into the intricate connections among family support dimensions, specifically instrumental support and emotional sustenance, and their impact on in-role performance, utilizing work engagement as a mediating variable. A comprehensive survey involving 421 Vietnamese employees was conducted, and the data underwent PLS-SEM analysis. The outcomes reveal a positive influence of both instrumental support and emotional sustenance on each dimension of work engagement—cognitive, physical, and emotional engagement. Additionally, all facets of work engagement exhibit a positive relationship with in-role performance. Furthermore, each sub-variable of work engagement acts as a mediator in the relationship between instrumental assistance, emotional sustenance, and in-role performance. Notably, the study emphasizes that instrumental support exerts a more substantial predictive power concerning in-role performance compared to emotional sustenance. These findings contribute significantly to both theoretical understanding and practical applications within the realm of family support dynamics and employee performance, enhancing our comprehension of these critical relationships.

Keywords: Family support, Work engagement, In-role performance, Vietnam.


The significance of social support has drawn significant attention from practitioners and academia, owing to its capacity to influence organizational and personal outcomes. Concerning organizational results, social support has yielded several pivotal benefits, including enhanced firm performance (Neneh & Welsh, 2022) and improved customer satisfaction (Zhu et al., 2016). At an individual level, social support is critical in shaping employee performance within and beyond formal job requirements (Karatepe et al., 2019). Family support is recognized as a form of social support (King et al., 1995), and its impact on various facets of employee work performance, attitudes, and well-being has been extensively investigated (Erickson et al., 2000; Karatepe, 2015; Karatepe et al., 2019; Chan et al., 2020; Le et al., 2022; Kakkar et al., 2023). Family support emerges as a critical predictor of positive behaviors, encompassing in-role and extra-role performance (Karatepe, 2015; Karatepe et al., 2019) and creative performance (Karatepe, 2016). Additionally, it acts as a deterrent against adverse outcomes, such as turnover intention (Karatepe, 2015; Le et al., 2022) and absenteeism (Erickson et al., 2000). Furthermore, family support is associated with positive attitudes, including enhanced work engagement (Karatepe, 2015; Kakkar et al., 2023), organizational commitment (Zhou et al., 2020), and job satisfaction (Chan et al., 2020; Le et al., 2022). Finally, family support is critical in influencing employee well-being (Leung et al., 2020).

The nexus between family support and in-role performance, mediated by work engagement, has drawn attention from both researchers and practitioners (Karatepe, 2015; Karatepe et al., 2019). In a survey involving 252 hotel employees in Turkey, Karatepe (2015) employs a universal family support scale, revealing that work engagement serves as a comprehensive mediator in the relationship between family support and employee performance. Expanding on this groundwork, Karatepe et al. (2019) posited that work engagement acts as the mediating role, linking family support to in-role performance among frontline bank employees. Notably, these studies specifically concentrate on samples from Russia and Turkey (Karatepe et al., 2019). However, it is imperative to consider cultural distinctions. For instance, Hofstede et al. (2005) assert that Turkish, Russian, and Vietnamese cultures exhibit significant differences in individualism and uncertainty avoidance dimensions. Moreover, Brannan et al. (2013) contend that social support, including family support, manifests variability across cultures. Consequently, inferring findings from the Turkish and Russian samples to the Vietnamese context may need more precision due to cultural distinctions.

This study makes noteworthy contributions to the existing literature on family support and in-role performance through several vital aspects. Firstly, it examines the nuanced impact of each family support element on individual dimensions of work engagement. This approach sheds light on how distinct facets of family support predict employee attitudes and behaviors and recognizes that optimizing each type of family support necessitates tailored efforts. Given the constraints of organizational resources, understanding the differential effects of each family support type on valuable organizational outcomes becomes imperative for implementing precise and resource-efficient solutions. Secondly, this study distinguishes itself by focusing on a sample of Vietnamese employees. While previous research has explored the connection between family support and work engagement, the cultural context of Vietnam remains distinct from those examined in prior studies. Recognizing and accounting for these cultural differences are essential for a more accurate understanding of how family support influences work engagement within the Vietnamese context. This emphasis on cultural specificity enhances the generalizability and applicability of the study's findings to diverse cultural settings.

The organization of this paper unfolds as follows: The subsequent section will provide a comprehensive literature review, followed by a detailed description of the methodology. The fourth section will present the research findings. The concluding segments will encompass discussions and considerations of limitations.

Literature Review

The Job Demand and Resource Model

The Job Demand and Resource Model (JDR), introduced by Demerouti et al. (2001), outlines a framework with two distinct paths influencing burnout and work engagement: job demand and job resources. Job demand encompasses a job's physical, social, or organizational aspects that necessitate sustained physical or psychological effort, resulting in physiological and psychological costs (Demerouti et al., 2001; Bakker & Demerouti, 2007). On the other hand, job resources include the physical, social, or organizational elements of a job that can either (a) contribute to achieving work goals, (b) alleviate job demands without incurring psychological and physiological costs, or (c) foster personal growth and development (Demerouti et al., 2001; Bakker & Demerouti, 2007).

According to Bakker and Demerouti (2007), the JDR involves two dual processes: health impairment and motivation. In the health impairment process, elevated job demands are predictive of exhaustion, subsequently resulting in decreased in-role performance (Bakker et al., 2004). Additionally, a high level of job resources acts as a buffer in the relationship between job demands and burnout (Bakker et al., 2004; Bakker et al., 2005). In the motivational process, abundant job resources contribute to work engagement, which, in turn, positively influences job performance (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007).

The extensive applicability and effectiveness of the JDR have been demonstrated in various studies (Crawford et al., 2010; Lesener et al., 2019; Darvishmotevali & Ali, 2020; Salmela-Aro et al., 2022; Mazzetti et al., 2023). In the examination of the relationship between family support and in-role performance through work engagement, this model has been utilized (Karatepe, 2015; Karatepe et al., 2019). Therefore, the utilization of this model in the current study is considered appropriate.

Hypotheses and Research Model

Instrumental Assistance and Work Engagement

Work engagement, as articulated by Kahn (1990, p.694), is the active involvement of organizational members in their work roles, encompassing physical, cognitive, and emotional expressions during performance. The three dimensions of work engagement, delineated by Kahn (1990), are physical, cognitive, and emotional engagement. Brown and Leigh (1996) characterize physical engagement by the work intensity, representing the energy expended in task execution. Rothbard (2001) defines cognitive engagement as the concentration, focus, and dedicated intensity individuals apply to their work. According to Russell and Barrett (1999), emotional engagement involves deriving joy and fulfillment from one's job. Kahn (1990) emphasizes that this comprehensive engagement allows individuals to outwardly express their thoughts and emotions, serving as a holistic demonstration of self and commitment to their roles.

Family support, identified as one of the three primary sources of social support alongside supervisor and coworker support (King et al., 1995), plays a crucial role in individuals' well-being. Social support, encompassing emotional concern, instrumental aids, information, or appraisal (Carlson & Perrewé, 1999), is integral to an individual's broader support network, with family as a significant component. Within family support, two distinct types are instrumental assistance and emotional sustenance (King et al., 1995). Instrumental assistance involves family members' behaviors and attitudes aimed at facilitating day-to-day family and household operations. This includes a willingness to share household duties, alleviate family responsibilities, and adapt to the demands of the employee's work requirements (King et al., 1995).

Kahn's (1990) framework identifies three crucial conditions for fostering work engagement: meaningfulness, safety, and availability. In this context, availability signifies the perception of possessing the physical, emotional, and psychological resources necessary for effective role performance (Kahn, 1990; Kahn, 1992). Through the assistance of family members in managing household responsibilities, employees conserve energy, contributing to their physical availability. Additionally, drawing insights from the job demand and resource model, employee motivation and engagement thrive when resources are abundant. Job resources, encompassing both external (organizational and social resources) and internal resources (cognitive features and action patterns), play a pivotal role in this model (Demerouti et al., 2001; Huang et al., 2016). Considering family support, especially instrumental support, as a form of social support providing essential resources, it can be inferred that instrumental support positively influences work engagement.

Multiple studies validate the positive relationship between instrumental support and work engagement. Research conducted by Karatepe and colleagues affirms that family support, particularly instrumental support, exerts a positive influence on work engagement (Karatepe, 2015; Karatepe et al., 2019). Additionally, Crawford et al. (2010) argue that job resources, which include instrumental support, contribute positively to work engagement. These findings collectively emphasize the significant impact of instrumental support on fostering engagement in various contexts.

From the above analysis, the author hypothesizes that:

Hypothesis 1: There is a Positive Relationship Between Instrumental Support and Work Engagement.

In detail,

Hypothesis 1a: There is a positive relationship between instrumental support and physical engagement.

Hypothesis 1b: There is a positive relationship between instrumental support and cognitive engagement.

Hypothesis 1c: There is a positive relationship between instrumental support and emotional engagement.


Emotional Sustenance and Work Engagement

Emotional sustenance refers to behaviors and attitudes exhibited by family members to provide employees with encouragement, understanding, attention, positive regard, and guidance in problem-solving (King et al., 1995). It involves a willingness to listen, talk, and advise employees about their work, demonstrating care and concern (King et al., 1995). The creation of psychological safety, one of the antecedents of work engagement (Kahn, 1990), is facilitated through these supportive actions, allowing employees to experience a sense of security (Schepers et al., 2008; Singh et al., 2018). Drawing from the job demand and resources theory, which posits that employees are more likely to engage in work when resources are abundant (Demerouti et al., 2001; Huang et al., 2016), family support, particularly emotional sustenance, is considered a form of social support that provides essential resources. Consequently, it can be inferred that emotional sustenance positively influences work engagement.

Multiple empirical studies substantiate the positive relationship between sustenance support and work engagement. Research conducted by Karatepe and colleagues, utilizing samples from Turkey and Russia, affirms that family support, specifically sustenance support, has a positive impact on work engagement (Karatepe, 2015; Karatepe et al., 2019).

From the above analysis, the author hypothesizes that:

Hypothesis 2: There is a Positive Relationship Between Sustenance Support and Work Engagement.

In detail,

Hypothesis 2a: There is a positive relationship between sustenance support and physical engagement.

Hypothesis 2b: There is a positive relationship between sustenance support and cognitive engagement.

Hypothesis 2c: There is a positive relationship between sustenance support and emotional engagement.


Work Engagement and In-Role Performance

In-role performance is operationally defined as the degree to which an individual fulfills the tasks specified or anticipated in their job description (Williams & Anderson, 1991). Engaged employees, as described by Kahn (1992), typically showcase heightened attentiveness, connectivity, integration, and focus in executing their job responsibilities. Consequently, there exists a positive correlation between work engagement and improved in-role performance, a relationship supported by various empirical studies (Halbesleben & Wheeler, 2008; Bakker & Demerouti, 2009; Bakker et al., 2012).

From the above analysis, the author hypothesizes that:

Hypothesis 3: There is a Positive Relationship Between Work Engagement and In-Role Performance.

In detail,

Hypothesis 3a: There is a positive relationship between physical engagement and in-role performance.

Hypothesis 3b: There is a positive relationship between cognitive engagement and in-role performance.

Hypothesis 3c: There is a positive relationship between emotional engagement and in-role performance.


The Mediate Role of Work Engagement

Work engagement serves as a mediating factor in the relationship between resources and in-role performance, as supported by various studies (Xanthopoulou et al., 2008; Rich et al., 2010; Karatepe, 2015; Karatepe et al., 2019). These resources encompass a spectrum from personal resources (Xanthopoulou et al., 2008; Anitha, 2014; Karatepe, 2015; Karatepe et al., 2019) to organizational resources (Rich et al., 2010; Anitha, 2014). Given that family support is categorized as a personal resource (Demerouti et al., 2001; Huang et al., 2016), it can be reasonably deduced that work engagement acts as a mediating mechanism in the connection between family support and in-role performance.

The mediation of work engagement in the correlation between family support and in-role performance has been substantiated by multiple studies (Karatepe, 2015; Karatepe et al., 2019). Consequently, it is plausible to infer that work engagement serves as a mediating factor in the relationship between family support, encompassing both instrumental assistance and emotional sustenance, and in-role performance.

From the above analysis, the author hypothesizes that:

Hypothesis 4: Work Engagement Mediates the Relationship Between Family Support and In-Role Performance.

In detail,

Hypothesis 4a: Work engagement mediates the relationship between instrumental assistance and in-role performance.

Hypothesis 4b: Work engagement mediates the relationship between emotional sustenance and in-role performance.

The research model is as showed in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Research model




Table 1 presents an overview of the demographic characteristics of the study participants.


Table 1. Sample demographic


Variables/ criteria














The North




The Middle




The South






Staff level




First-line manager




Middle manager




Top manager






















5.       Age







The research sample was characterized by a diverse and inclusive composition, encompassing individuals with varying demographics and professional backgrounds. Regarding gender, females dominated the sample, with 34.4% male participants and 65.6% female participants. Geographically, participants were distributed across different regions, with 37.8% located in the North, 25.7% in the Middle, and 36.6% in the South. In terms of position, the majority of participants (85.3%) held staff-level positions, while 10.5% were first-line managers, 3.3% were middle managers, and 0.9% were top managers. Educationally, the sample exhibited diversity, ranging from 1.0% with a college education to 49.6% with graduate degrees. The age of participants varied, with a minimum age of 27, a maximum age of 61, and a mean age of 38.54, reflecting a broad spectrum of experiences and perspectives.



All scales utilized in this study were initially developed in English. A pilot test was conducted to ensure cultural relevance and linguistic appropriateness for the Vietnamese context. Initial questionnaires were distributed to 40 Vietnamese employees, and their feedback was solicited regarding the suitability of the items in alignment with Vietnamese culture. Based on the received comments, necessary adjustments were made to the questionnaires, resulting in a refined second version administered to the final sample. This iterative process aimed to enhance the cultural resonance and accuracy of the measurement tools for the study.

Family support was assessed utilizing the scale developed by King et al. (1995), encompassing two sub-variables: instrumental assistance and emotional sustenance. The initial measurement for instrumental assistance comprised 15 items. Following feedback from the pilot test, 8 items deemed incongruent with Vietnamese culture were eliminated. The refined instrumental assistance scale, consisting of 7 items proposed by King et al. (1995), was used to measure respondents' perceptions. Participants rated their agreement with 7 statements on a scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 7 (totally agree). For instance, one of the statements was, "If my job gets very demanding, someone in my family will take on extra household responsibilities." The reality coefficient for this scale was calculated at 0.975, affirming its reliability.

Emotional sustenance was evaluated using the scale introduced by King et al. (1995). Initially proposing 25 items to measure emotional sustenance, the author received feedback from respondents, leading to the exclusion of 14 items from further analysis. Ultimately, emotional sustenance was gauged through 9 items. Participants were requested to indicate their agreement with 9 statements, employing a scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 7 (totally agree). An illustrative statement was, "When I have a tough day at work, family members try to cheer me up." The reality coefficient for this scale demonstrated a robust reliability at 0.951.

Work engagement was assessed based on the recommendations from Rich et al. (2010). Following Kahn’s (1990) definition, Rich et al. (2010) categorized work engagement into three sub-variables: cognitive engagement, physical engagement, and emotional engagement. Physical engagement was measured using a 6-item scale, with an illustrative statement being "I work with intensity on my job." Cognitive engagement was assessed through 6 statements, including "At work, I pay a lot of attention to my job." Emotional engagement was measured with 6 items, with an example statement being "I am enthusiastic in my job." Participants rated their agreement on a scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 7 (totally agree). The alpha coefficients for physical engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement were 0.886, 0.956, and 0.981, respectively.

In-role performance was evaluated utilizing the 7-item scale developed by Williams and Anderson (1991). Participants were requested to indicate the extent to which they agreed with 7 statements, using a scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 7 (totally agree). An illustrative item from the in-role performance scale was "I fulfill the responsibilities specified in the job description." The reality coefficient for this scale was 0.790.


The Measurement Models

Table 2 displays the reality, validity, and discriminant validity of measures in this study.


Table 2. Reality, validity, and discriminant


Outer loading










0.247 – 0.785
















0.247 – 0.547
















0.342 – 0.798
















0.324 – 0.786






















0.259 – 0.760


















0.537 – 0.798











Note: CE: cognitive engagement; PE: Physical engagement; EE: emotional engagement; IS: instrumental support; ES: emotional sustenance; and IRP: In-role performance.


The assessment of reality, validity, and discriminant measure model, as outlined by Hair Jr et al. (2014) and Hair Jr et al. (2017), reveals promising results for the study's measures. All outer loadings, except for IRP7, surpass the recommended threshold of 0.7, as suggested by Hair Jr et al. (2017). Following the guideline to exclude items with loadings below 0.4, the decision is made to eliminate IRP7 from further analysis. The Cronbach alpha coefficients for all scales exceed the acceptable threshold of 0.7, indicating satisfactory internal consistency and reliability. All CR (Composite Reality) coefficients are more significant than the recommended cutoff of 0.7, confirming the scales' reliability. The AVE (Average Value Extracted) coefficients, ranging from 0.675 to 0.912, surpass the minimum requirement of 0.5, indicating satisfactory convergence. All HTMT (Heterotrait - Monotrait) coefficients fall below the suggested threshold of 0.9, affirming adequate discriminant validity.

Hypotheses Testing

Table 3 shows the testing of the direct hypotheses.

Table 3. Direct relationship testing.


Standardized b








Support H3b





Support H3a





Support H3c





Support H1b





Support H2b





Support H1a





Support H2a





Support H1c





Support H2c

VIF: 1.128 – 1.350; adjusted R2 for IRP: 0.844; adjusted R2 for CE: 0.667; adjusted R2 for PE: 0.304; adjusted R2 for EE: 0.115.

Note: CE: cognitive engagement; PE: Physical engagement; EE: emotional engagement; IS: instrumental support; ES: emotional sustenance; and IRP: In-role performance.

Table 3 presents the outcomes of hypotheses testing regarding direct impacts. Following the guidance of Hair Jr et al. (2014), the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) coefficients, ranging from 1.128 to 1.350, fall below 3, indicating negligible collinearity in the sample. About the impact of Work Engagement Sub-Variables on In-Role Performance, Physical engagement, cognitive engagement, and emotional engagement exhibit positive and statistically significant impacts on in-role performance (Standardized β = 0.442, p = 0.000; Standardized β = 0.586, p = 0.000; Standardized β = 0.165, p = 0.000, respectively). Therefore, hypotheses H3a, H3b, and H3c are substantiated. In terms of the influence of Instrumental Support on Work Engagement Sub-Variables, Instrumental support demonstrates positive and statistically significant effects on all three sub-variables of work engagement (with physical engagement: Standardized β = 0.299, p = 0.000; with cognitive engagement: Standardized β = 0.613, p = 0.000; with emotional engagement: Standardized β = 0.158, p = 0.000). Consequently, hypotheses H1a, H1b, and H1c are affirmed. About the relationship between Emotional Sustenance and Work Engagement, Emotional sustenance positively influences all work engagement sub-variables: physical engagement (Standardized β = 0.369, p = 0.000), cognitive engagement (Standardized β = 0.359, p = 0.000), and emotional engagement (Standardized β = 0.254, p = 0.000). As a result, hypotheses H2a, H2b, and H2c are supported.

The f2 indices presented in Table 3 serve as indicators of the predictors' significance, as recommended by Hair et al. (2014). The interpretation of f2 values involves categorizing them into different impact levels: f2 greater than 0.35 signifies a substantial impact, f2 between 0.15 and 0.35 suggests a moderate effect, and f2 smaller than 0.15 indicates an insignificant impact. Both cognitive engagement and physical engagement exhibit significant impacts on in-role performance, as indicated by their f2 values. In contrast, emotional engagement shows an insignificant impact on in-role performance, with its f2 falling below the threshold of 0.15. The effect of instrumental support on cognitive engagement is deemed significant and falls within the moderate range. The impacts of emotional sustenance on both cognitive engagement and physical engagement are moderate, suggesting a meaningful but not overwhelming influence.

Table 4 shows the results of testing indirect effects and total effects.

Table 4. Mediator testing and total effects


Standardized b






Accept H4b




Accept H4b




Accept H4b




Accept H4a




Accept H4a




Accept H4a





















Note: CE: cognitive engagement; PE: Physical engagement; EE: emotional engagement; IS: instrumental support; ES: emotional sustenance; and IRP: In-role performance.

Table 4 provides a comprehensive analysis of mediator testing and total effects within the research model. The results reveal that instrumental support significantly influences in-role performance through the mediation of three work engagement sub-variables: physical engagement, cognitive engagement, and emotional engagement. This substantiates hypothesis H4a. Additionally, emotional sustenance exhibits a similar mediation pattern, with physical engagement, cognitive engagement, and emotional engagement mediating the relationship between emotional sustenance and in-role performance, thereby supporting hypothesis H4b. Notably, instrumental support emerges as a more potent factor, exerting a more substantial total impact on in-role performance than emotional sustenance.



In this study, the primary objective was to explore the intricate relationship between family support and in-role performance through the mediating factor of work engagement. The research successfully establishes a positive relationship between family support and the three dimensions of work engagement: physical, cognitive, and emotional engagement. The outcomes underscore the importance of instrumental and emotional support in fostering a heightened sense of work engagement among employees. To enhance overall work engagement, organizations are advised to focus on augmenting instrumental support and emotional sustenance concurrently. These findings align with the outcomes of Karatepe (2015) and Karatepe et al. (2019) research. A nuanced analysis of the impact intensity reveals that instrumental support is more significant in influencing cognitive engagement.

In contrast, its impact on physical and emotional engagement is less prominent. This suggests that prioritizing improvements in instrumental support is more effective for enhancing cognitive engagement. On the other hand, to bolster emotional and physical engagement, emphasis should be placed on promoting emotional sustenance.

This study establishes the positive influence of all sub-variables, namely physical, cognitive, and emotional engagement, on in-role performance. The implication is clear: companies aiming to enhance overall in-role performance should concurrently address and improve all three dimensions of engagement. Upon more detailed analysis, it becomes apparent that cognitive and physical engagement exhibit a significant relationship with in-role performance, whereas emotional engagement demonstrates an insignificant relationship. While this finding aligns with the conclusions drawn by Karatepe (2015) and Karatepe et al. (2019), it diverges from the perspective put forth by Edopkolor and Osifo (2022). In contrast, Edopkolor and Osifo (2022) contend that while all sub-variables of work engagement positively impact in-role performance, cognitive engagement has an insignificant effect, emotional engagement exerts a moderate influence, and physical engagement holds a significant impact. This discrepancy can be attributed to the distinct sample employed in Edopkolor and Osifo's (2022) research, which focuses on the university sector, characterized by highly emotional demands, amplifying the significance of emotional engagement in influencing in-role performance.

This study robustly establishes the mediating roles of three dimensions of work engagement - physical, cognitive, and emotional engagement - in connecting family support sub-variables, namely instrumental support and emotional sustenance, to in-role performance. The implications drawn from these results emphasize the significance of enhancing both instrumental support and emotional sustenance within organizations to elevate overall work engagement, ultimately improving in-role performance. These conclusions align cohesively with the insights presented in the works of Karatepe (2015) and Karatepe et al. (2019), reinforcing the relevance and consistency of the findings in the broader context of research on family support, work engagement, and job performance.

Finally, the results of this study underscore a notable difference in the total impact on in-role performance between instrumental support and emotional sustenance. Specifically, instrumental support emerges as the more influential factor in enhancing in-role performance than emotional sustenance. This implies that, from a strategic standpoint, prioritizing and emphasizing instrumental support initiatives is a more effective solution for organizations seeking to elevate in-role performance among their employees.


Practical Implications

The outcomes of this study hold significant implications for Vietnamese businesses. Firstly, the results suggest that fostering family support can yield substantial benefits. Therefore, it is recommended that businesses establish communication channels between the company and employees' family members to discuss work requirements. These channels could take the form of seminars or workshops to enhance understanding and empathy regarding employees' work. Within these sessions, companies should underscore the pivotal role of family support in both employee well-being and organizational success. Simultaneously, businesses should explicitly communicate the necessity of family support, mainly instrumental support.

Secondly, the findings explicitly reveal that three facets of work engagement positively influence in-role performance. This discovery carries implications for the recruitment and motivation strategies employed by companies. To enhance performance, businesses should prioritize the recruitment of engaged employees. Consequently, during the selection process, it is essential to incorporate assessments utilizing work engagement inventories to evaluate potential candidates. Furthermore, drawing on Kahn's (1990) framework, which outlines three psychological conditions conducive to work engagement—meaningfulness, safety, and availability—organizations should take measures to ensure these conditions are met. This may involve job redesign initiatives to enhance the meaningfulness of employees' roles or the promotion of organizational or group norms that foster a sense of safety.



While this study significantly contributes to the existing body of knowledge on family support, work engagement, and employee performance, readers must exercise caution when applying and generalizing its results due to certain limitations. Firstly, this study relies on subjective scales, potentially introducing bias when evaluating personal performance. According to Kruger and Dunning's (1999) error, individuals may overestimate their performance compared to the actual performance. Future research endeavors should incorporate more objective measurements, such as peer-rated and supervisor-rated performance, as they offer greater reliability and validity. Secondly, the study employs the snowball technique for sampling, which is a non-random method and may yield biased results (Saunders et al., 2019). It is recommended that future research adopts random sampling techniques, as they enhance the study's external validity and generalizability. Thirdly, the data collection in this study is spontaneous, potentially introducing common variance bias and leading to inflated or spurious correlations (Podsakoff et al., 2003). Future research that collects data at multiple time points may mitigate common variance bias and provide more robust findings. Lastly, while the study adheres to an adequate overall sample size following the guidelines of Hair et al. (2006), the sample's composition is not guaranteed. The study predominantly includes female participants, mainly graduates and undergraduates. Future research should aim for a more diverse and representative sample or focus on other segments of the Vietnamese employee population to enhance the generalizability of the findings.

Despite these limitations, it is important to recognize that this study holds specific value for the literature and practical applications related to family support, work engagement, and in-role performance. The author maintains that the study's contributions are noteworthy within these domains.


In conclusion, this research aimed to delve into the nuanced interplay between family support, work engagement, and in-role performance. The findings robustly support the positive relationship between each aspect of family support and all dimensions of work engagement. Furthermore, a positive association was affirmed between each facet of work engagement and in-role performance. Importantly, this study asserts that each facet of work engagement functions as a mediator in the intricate relationship between each dimension of family support and in-role performance.

The explicit recommendations derived from these findings underscore the significance for Vietnamese businesses to establish effective communication channels fostering discussions on the work environment and the role of family support. Additionally, the study advocates for proactive recruitment and motivation strategies within Vietnamese companies, emphasizing the pivotal role of employee engagement in enhancing job performance. These insights offer valuable guidance for organizational practices, encouraging a holistic approach that integrates family support dynamics into the workplace for optimal employee performance.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The author is grateful to Vietnam Banking Academy.


FINANCIAL SUPPORT: This article was financially supported by Vietnam Banking Academy.

ETHICS STATEMENT: This study adhered to ethical guidelines and principles in research. All procedures involving human participants were conducted by the ethical standards of the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. Confidentiality and anonymity were strictly maintained throughout the research process.


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How to cite this article
Pham TT. Linking Family Supports and Vietnamese Employee Performance: The Mediator Role of Work Engagement. J Organ Behav Res. 2024;9(1):15-31. https://doi.org/10.51847/W3DMjBBfqq
Pham, T. T. (2024). Linking Family Supports and Vietnamese Employee Performance: The Mediator Role of Work Engagement. Journal of Organizational Behavior Research, 9(1), 15-31. https://doi.org/10.51847/W3DMjBBfqq
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