JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR RESEARCH follows the review process to assess manuscripts systematically and impartially, and publish accepted papers in a regular basis.
For authors submitting to the journal;
1. Authors must upload their manuscripts with .doc or .docx files through the journal management system.
2. Within 3 days authors will receive a confirmation e-mail to confirm that the manuscript is received and it is under the process. Authors who do not get the confirmation e-mail within 3 days should contact at [email protected].
3. After sending the confirmation e-mail, Editorial Board will evaluate the submissions by taking into account the journal’s research areas, scientific qualification of the document and by checking manuscript format. Then a review process will start for those papers accepted by Editorial Board. If Editorial Board decides that manuscripts not meeting initial assessment criterias will not be evaluated for publication in JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR RESEARCH this decision will be send across via e-mail.
4. After the confirmation of Editorial Borad, a notice regarding start of review process will be given.
5. Review process involves two referees who are chosen by Editorial Board. Referees will make a decision for submissions whether they are accepted, accepted with minor corrections, accepted with major corrections or rejected. 20 days will be given to referees for reviewing. If necessary and with the approval of Editorial Board referees can have extra 10 days. Referees who do not finalize the review process within the given period will be informed via e-mail regarding the end of review process. Then a new referee with the approval of Editorial Board will be assigned to continue the review process. If one of the referees accepts the paper; yet the other one accepts it with minor and major revisions, the authors will be informed to revise and resubmit the paper. If one referee accepts and the other one rejects the paper, the third referee will be assigned to review. The last referee will make the decision to accept or reject papers.
6. 10 days for minor revisions and 20 days for major ones will be given. The time can be extended in case of authors’ request and approval of Editorial Board. Authors who want to extend the time will be infomed via e-mail explaining details of the extension.
7. After referee reports authors will be informed via an e-mail explaining in which volume of JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR RESEARCH the accepted papers will be published. In case of authors’ requests acceptance letters can be sent via e-mail or we can mail the signed letters.