2019 Volume 4 Issue 1
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Training Managers In The Field Of Education In Kazakhstan: Development Of Managerial Competence In Master's Degree Programs

Rymshash Kameshovna TOLEUBEKOVA¹, Engilika ZHUMATAEVA², Artyom Sergeyevich DONTSOV², Kalimash Toleutayevna BAIMUKHANOVA³, Albina Zhenisovna ANESOVA ⁴

This article deals with the problem of training modern-type education managers in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Having gained independence, the country has consistently implemented a course for accelerated development and integration into the global community, which requires skilled managers in key sectors, especially in the field of education, since it is this sector that determines the quality of human capital and, therefore, the competitive position of the economy as a whole. Based on the analysis of international and local experience, it was concluded that there are seven main subcompetences (strategic, communicative, organizational, psychological, pedagogical, entrepreneurial, and political) that constitute the content of the managerial competence of a modern manager in the field of education. A conclusion was made that the formation of this competence should take place at the level of Master’s programs, since holders of postgraduate degrees form the managerial staff of the education system. A modular educational program for Master's students majoring in Pedagogy and Psychology was developed and tested at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University in 2016-2018. Before the start of this program, as well as after its completion, a survey was conducted among Master's students in this program (n = 27) to determine how they assess their level of the abovementioned subcompetences development. Analysis of the results was carried out using the paired sample t-test. The results confirmed the effectiveness of the developed program in six of the seven areas, but also indicated the need for further work in this direction

Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025