2021 Volume 6 Issue 1
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Traditional Leadership Styles Influencing Employee Work Behaviors in Islamic Banks of Sindh, Pakistan

, ,
  1. Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration, Sindh University Laar Campus at Badin, Pakistan.
  2. Institute of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
  3. Department of Commerce, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration, Sindh University Laar Campus at Badin, Pakistan.

Organizations need effective leaders as the behavior of organizational members can be influenced towards organizational goals. Behavioral theories of leadership imply that by adopting a particular behavior infinite and effective leaders can be produced. To explore which style is more effective in organizations, this research was conducted in Iowa State leadership styles and sought. Closed-ended questionnaire was used for data collection for the study. The sample is composed of 160 employees of Islamic banks of three metropolitan cities of Sindh. To analyze the data, SPSS was used in terms of Descriptive Statistics, Pearson correlation, and Chi-Square. Results implied that commitment correlates with democratic leadership and laissez-faire leadership styles. Job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior are high in the democratic style. Deviant workplace behavior is associated with an autocratic leadership style. Productivity is not found to be significantly related to any leadership style. Autocratic leadership style is positively correlated with regularity and laissez-faire leadership style is positively correlated with commitment, but both styles do not have a positive influence on other work behaviors. The study advocates the democratic style as the majority like it and it is also positively related to employees’ work behavior in Islamic banks.

How to cite this article
Makhdoom TR, Shaikh MA, Baloch MN. Traditional Leadership Styles Influencing Employee Work Behaviors in Islamic Banks of Sindh, Pakistan. J Organ Behav Res. 2021;6(1):46-58. https://doi.org/10.51847/NH5EUh6dNq
Makhdoom, T. R., Shaikh, M. A., & Baloch, M. N. (2021). Traditional Leadership Styles Influencing Employee Work Behaviors in Islamic Banks of Sindh, Pakistan. Journal of Organizational Behavior Research, 6(1), 46-58. https://doi.org/10.51847/NH5EUh6dNq
Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025