This study aims at examining the elements influencing consumer satisfaction in Persian carpet industry, ordering of client need in three classes of must-be, one-dimensional and appealing prerequisite in Kano demonstrate, additionally positioning variables in every classification utilizing TOPSIS. Along these lines, looking into the writing and specialists' thoughts was utilized to indentify components related consumer loyalty. At that point an interview was directed in because of group and rank of the components. In the period of recognizing elements, consider populace was comprised of administrators and specialists who are dynamic in cover industry and in some portion of characterization and positioning of variables influencing consumer loyalty, think about populace comprising of individuals who have come to branches of Farsh Ara co. in Mashhad city and have purchased cover. Questionnaire was utilized to gather information. SPSS programming was utilized for information investigation and demonstrated that the toughness and tirelessness are the most essential consider and grouped must-be prerequisite. The most vital figure one-dimensional necessity and alluring prerequisite are separately cost and reliable with way of life criteria.