2019 Volume 4 Issue 2
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The Role of Territorial Сlusters In the Management of Innovative Developmentent

Leyla M. GUZIEVA¹.², Lorina O. ASLANOVA¹.², Andemirkan Kh. SHIDOV³.⁴, Marina T. TEKUEVA⁵

The article deals with the essence and role of territorial clusters in the management of innovative development. The current state of emerging and developed territorial innovation clusters, financial instruments of support, and methods of risk management of cluster financing are revealed. The basics of cluster policy implementation are outlined. Addressed to researchers, teachers, and students of economic universities, as well as managers and specialists of innovative enterprises‎‎‎. 
The article was prepared in the framework of research work on the project supported by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists - candidates of science MK-3834.2019.6.

Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025