2021 Volume 6 Issue 2
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Some Peculiarities of Administrative Penalties System and the Order of Their Imposition in Russia

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  1. Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik, Russia.

  2. College of Information Technology and Economics, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik, Russia.

  3. Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik, Russia.


This article is devoted to an important and relevant topic in modern Russian administrative law - the system of administrative punishments and the order of their imposition. The article also draws attention to the legal problems arising in the imposition of administrative penalties. The relevance of this problem lies in arising by officials in the process of bringing to administrative responsibility, imposing punishment and its imposition, caused by gaps in legislation and may lead to a violation of the procedure of bringing to responsibility, and, consequently, also the rights and freedoms of persons brought to responsibility. Study of the experience of foreign countries in the field of legal regulation of those or other public relations and the conclusions made on its basis can be productively applied to similar spheres of human activity arising in the territory of the Russian Federation. The general approach to the definition of administrative law of foreign countries comes down to the totality of legal norms regulating public administration (administrative activity) and control over it. Administrative law of the law of foreign countries considers as the main institutions.

Countries that have implemented their administrative law are divided into two types: 1) France and the countries that have borrowed its legal system; 2) countries where the influence of German law prevails. These two types of states are opposed by countries that ignore the autonomy of administrative law (for example, the United States, Britain, other countries with Anglo-Saxon legal traditions).

How to cite this article
Satushieva L, Isakov A, Maremkulova R, Tekueva M, Zalikhanova L. Some Peculiarities of Administrative Penalties System and the Order of Their Imposition in Russia. J Organ Behav Res. 2021;6(2):100-8. https://doi.org/10.51847/DnsGazKwqt
Satushieva, L., Isakov, A., Maremkulova, R., Tekueva, M., & Zalikhanova, L. (2021). Some Peculiarities of Administrative Penalties System and the Order of Their Imposition in Russia. Journal of Organizational Behavior Research, 6(2), 100-108. https://doi.org/10.51847/DnsGazKwqt
Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025