2019 Volume 4 Issue 2
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Relationship Between Leadership Styles on Talent Retention Through ‎Employee ‎Commitment and Motivation: Evidence from The Banking Sectors, ‎Pakistan

Muhammad MASOOD MIR¹*, Sahar KHAN², Mehran TUNIO³, Muhammad OMER², ‎Shamroze SAJID⁴, Sameer HUSSAIN⁴

Employees are the key factors and elements for any of the firms as the betterment of the firm is dependent on ‎these core factors. Organizations get their peak time when employees stay committed for the long term. While ‎this research focused on determining the relationship between leadership styles and talent retention with the ‎mediating effects of commitment and motivation evidence from the banking sector. This study provided insight ‎that helped to retain talented employees through the indicators of different styles. The sample data of 171 was ‎collected through the structured questionnaire process form the private banking sector. Furthermore, it was ‎tested by using Smart PLS approach. The study showed that the democratic leadership style had no impact on ‎talent retention and organizational commitment, but had a positive impact on Motivation. The study revealed ‎that there was an effect of organizational commitment and motivation on talent retention. As firms have been ‎moreover dependent on the productivity of talented employees as they have been the sources which utilized ‎their skills. The findings suggested that, appropriatelaissez-fair leadership style which makes a significant ‎relationship with talent retention, should be focused on this particular sector‎‎‎.

Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025