2019 Volume 4 Issue 1
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Preparation Of Future Teachers For Primary Schools To Develop The Schoolchildren’s Health Culture

Abildina SALTANAT¹, Abishev ZHANDOS², Raifa DUSEMBINOVA³, Sarzhanova GALIYA⁴, Mukhametzhanova AIGUL⁵

The article discusses the organizational and pedagogical conditions for preparation of future teachers of primary schools to develop the schoolchildren’s health culture. Mainstreaming the issue of the development of internal motivation of future primary school teachers, educational and methodological support of this process, utilization of various forms and methods of work (educational and extracurricular), the mobilization of the future primary school teacher to active pedagogical activity, the acquisition of practical skills by providing the required training, as well as the combination and orientation of the activities of the professorial-teaching staff, public organizations, parents to develop a health culture for schoolchildren, have a significant impact on the readiness of the future primary school teacher in shaping the health culture of schoolchildren.

Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025