2019 Volume 4 Issue 1
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Moral Positions Of Youth On The Basis Of Spiritual-Patriotic Upbringing

Arman NURMAKHANBETOV¹.², Nurzhan NURPEISSOV³, Alshynbayev KULALBEK⁴, Zakaryanova SHYNAR⁵, Aliya KURALBAYEVA⁶

Nowadays we observe loss of traditional Kazakhstan patriotic consciousness in our society. Patriotism is more increasing to regenerate into nationalism. Indifference, individualism, egoism, cynicism, disrespectful attitude to the state and social institutes, and unmotivated aggression were widely adopted in public consciousness. The paper describes research results of a complex and multifaceted phenomenon – the fundamentals of national education and upbringing of younger generations. It is revealed that the idea of multiculturalism in upbringing is currently recognized as untenable. That is why, Europe and other countries of the world, again, turned to the basics of traditional upbringing, where religions continue to hold their place like a moral tuning fork. The article presents some results of the theoretical analysis concerning the state of moral and spiritual development possessed by young people of our country. The obtained results of the investigation show the urgent necessity of radical changes in the sphere of young people breeding. The authors put forward the theoretically grounded outcome for changing the situation. The authors see success in the treated sphere in diverting educators’ attention to the achievements of the pedagogic logistics. Materials of the article can be useful to teachers of schools, teachers of institutions of higher professional education, and for students and graduate students of pedagogical specialties of higher education institutions. 

Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025