2020 Volume 5 Issue 1
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Investigating the Relationship Between Financial Incentives of Executives and The ‎Representation of Financial Statements


Information asymmetry and personal incentives are two main causes of manipulation and ‎distortion of financial statements. One possible strategy is to reward executives in an attempt to ‎align the interests of owners and directors. The distortion and manipulation of information leads ‎to the representation of financial statements. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore ‎the relationship between financial incentives of executives and the representation of financial ‎statements.‎ The study was based on the library research and the analysis of panel data. It investigated ‎the financial information of 108 companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange Market from ‎‎2011-2017 (756 company-year). The results of hypothesis testing suggested that there was a ‎significant positive relationship between the managers’ rewards and the representation of ‎financial statements. Also, there was a significant positive relationship between the board ‎duality and the representation of financial statements. With regard to the significance level and ‎the estimation coefficient, the independence of the board of directors, the board size and the ‎concentration of ownership were inversely related to the representation of financial statements‎‎‎.

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Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025