2019 Volume 4 Issue 2
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High-Performance Work System and ‎Organizational Performance: Mediating ‎Role of Workplace Bullying ‎

Ammar AHMED¹*, Maryam JABEEN², ‎ Faiza MANSHA², Khizra FARZAND ALI², Farhan Shaukat³

This study has reviewed previous investigations regarding the relationships among ‎high performance work system and organizational performance; and it showed ‎some negative and positive results by using various mediation methods to find the ‎link between high performance work system (HPWS) and organizational ‎performance. Past researchers also indicated that there has been a need to explore ‎the contingent conditions like up-to-date technology, strategies, organizational ‎culture, team building and Human Resource power to increase the worth of high-‎performance work system (HPWS). In the current race, the organizations want to ‎achieve the competitive advantage from others. The hurdle among others ‎organizations face in present time is workplace bullying. The aim of the current ‎study was to explore whether the personnel who have been exposed to workplace ‎bullying would have an effect on overall performance of organizations or not. This ‎study introduced Workplace Bullying as a mediator between High Performance ‎Work System (HPWS) and Organizational Performance. In this study, the variables ‎included: High Performance Work System that was considered as independent ‎variable, Organizational Performance as dependent variable, and Workplace ‎Bullying as a mediator between them. Different sources were used for collecting ‎the data. Also, the study provided the important insights for the future researchers ‎and policy makers interested in this area‎‎‎‎‎‎.

Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025