2022 Volume 7 Issue 1
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Criminal Liability of Bribery Crime in Criminal Laws of Iran, Russia, And the Republic of Azerbaijan

  1. Graduated of Criminal Law and Criminology from the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Baku, Baku, Azerbaijan.

  2. Criminal Law and President Odlar Yurdu University Baku, Baku, Azerbaijan.

In article the comparative analysis of the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic Iran, defining responsibility for bribery is carried out. Implementation of these offers will improve the criminal legislation. Also was noted about the issues of the responsibility for bribery in the basic of the criminal legislation.

 Criminal liability means the ability to tolerate legal penalties which are determined to prevent crimes. Based on criminal liability people are divided into two groups: people with criminal liability and those without it. People with criminal liability have authority and are mature but those without criminal liability don’t have such characteristics and due to some reasons as being too young, they are exempted from tolerating penalties. In this article criminal liability towards bribery is studied. Throughout the whole history of humans, bribery has been considered a social crime and has been hated by all individuals as it affects the health of economic and administrative systems. Considering the importance of this crime in different religions and laws, bribery is forbidden and blamed by all nations and is faced with strong reactions.

How to cite this article
Shahmars AK, Valiev S. Criminal Liability of Bribery Crime in Criminal Laws of Iran, Russia, And the Republic of Azerbaijan. J Organ Behav Res. 2022;7(1):86-95. https://doi.org/10.51847/4zfOYX5cb8
Shahmars, A. K., & Valiev, S. (2022). Criminal Liability of Bribery Crime in Criminal Laws of Iran, Russia, And the Republic of Azerbaijan. Journal of Organizational Behavior Research, 7(1), 86-95. https://doi.org/10.51847/4zfOYX5cb8
Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025