2020 Volume 5 Issue 2
Creative Commons License

Collective Intelligence, Science, And Technology


The object of the study is collective intelligence and blockchain. The aim of the study is to consider the common properties of collective intelligence and blockchain. The relevance and novelty lie in the fact that the possibility to use blockchain in scientific activity is considered for the first time in terms of its manifestation in collective intelligence. The theoretical basis of the article has been formed by the works of W.Wheeler, P. Wohlleben, V.E. Kipyatkov, A.A. Zakharov, Huberman, D. Shurovieski, K. Kelly, who studied the features of collective intelligence among insects and people, as well as by the works of M. Swan, J. Chopra, A.I. Smirnov devoted to the blockchain technology. The article hypothesizes that collective intelligence and blockchain have common properties. The methodological basis of the article is the concepts analysis of "collective intelligence" and "blockchain." Blockchain is considered as collective intelligence functioning.

How to cite this article
Issue 2 Volume 10 - 2025