2022 Volume 7 Issue 2
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A Study on The Intention to Buy Chinese Garment Products of Vietnamese Consumers

, , , ,
  1. Department of Business, Faculty of Business Management, University of Labour and Social Affairs, Hanoi city, Vietnam.
  2. Department of Management, Faculty of Business Management, University of Labour and Social Affairs, Hanoi city, Vietnam.

The paper aims to investigate the determinants influencing Vietnamese Consumers' Intention for buying Chinese Garment Products. Six main factors in this study including, (i) Nationalism in consumption (NC), (ii) Consumer animosity (CA), (iii) Consumer affinity (CAf), (iv) Attitude towards a behavior (ATB), (v) Subjective norm (SN), (vi) Perceived behavioral control (PBC). Data of the research was collected from a survey of 600 Vietnamese Consumers in Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi City who have bought Garment Products. Firstly, by using the quantitative research method Exploratory Factor Analysis and Cronbach’s Alpha, the research shows that 6 factors influence Vietnamese Consumers' Intention for buying Chinese Garment Products. Secondly, the regression analysis among variables shows that influencing level clarity of the factors on Vietnamese Consumers' Intention for buying Chinese Garment Products. Therefore, the empirical findings show that Vietnamese consumers' Intention for buying Chinese Garment Products has a mediating role in the relationship between domestic garment enterprises. The results of this study propose that managers need to focus on investing and researching to understand customers' attitudes towards competitors' products better, thereby they can proactively develop marketing programs to positively influence customers' buying behavior. Also, this paper provides new insight into the Vietnamese Consumers' Intention for buying Chinese Garment Products.

How to cite this article
HA LTH, HIEN LM, VAN PTT, TRAM NTA, DAO MTA. A Study on The Intention to Buy Chinese Garment Products of Vietnamese Consumers. J Organ Behav Res. 2022;7(2):229-42. https://doi.org/10.51847/sjwLGObY5u
HA, L. T. H., HIEN, L. M., VAN, P. T. T., TRAM, N. T. A., & DAO, M. T. A. (2022). A Study on The Intention to Buy Chinese Garment Products of Vietnamese Consumers. Journal of Organizational Behavior Research, 7(2), 229-242. https://doi.org/10.51847/sjwLGObY5u
Issue 1 Volume 10 - 2025