2016 Volume 1 Issue 2
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A Study on the Busıness Values of Generatıon Y Employees Y: An Applıcatıon on Industrıal Enterprıses ın the Provınce of Konya


It is important for organizational productivity that an environment where employees can express their own values and their merits are recognized be constructed. Studies indicate that the period or the generation in which people are born affect their values, attitudes and behaviors. As have been revealed in many studies, differences among generations in terms of values are expected to have their reflections in business values, too. This study aimed to investigate the business values of generation Y, who are disputed to be significantly different from previous generations and are expected to constitute 75 % of the business life in the next decade. The scope of the study includes generation Y employees born between the dates of 1977 and 1994 in industrial enterprises in the province of Konya. A scale called “Turkish Work Mentality”(TWM), which was developed by Aldemir, Arbak and Özmen (2003) taking into consideration the values of Western and local origins and improved by incoporating characteristics specific to Turkish culture, was used as the data collection instrument. 

Issue 3 Volume 9 - 2024